Call for applications 2026
The MAX AUWÄRTER PRIZE for students and young researchers is awarded every two years by the Max Auwärter Foundation, Balzers, Liechtenstein. It is aimed at scientists up to the age of 35 from universities and research institutions who have published important work in the field of surface physics, surface chemistry or organic and inorganic thin films. In the case of a multi-author publication, the special role of the applicant should be highlighted in a separate statement.
For applications or proposals from third parties for the MAX AUWÄRTER PREIS 2026, publications meeting the requirements must be submitted in quadruple. In addition, the special role of the proposed prize recipient should be highlighted in the submitted work. A curriculum vitae containing the most important scientific papers is also required. Applications for the MAX AUWÄRTER PRIZE must be submitted by 30 April 2026, at the latest to:
Univ. Prof. Dr. Falko P. Netzer
Institute of Physics, Surface and Interface Physics
Karl-Franzens University Graz
Universitätsplatz 5
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Fax: +43 316 380 9816
An expert jury, appointed by the Board of Trustees, makes a final and incontestable decision on the award of the prize.